IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in developing countries. The Latin American and Caribbean region (LAC) accounts for the...
How does the misallocation of complementary public capital affect the spatial organization of economic activity? To answer this question, this paper endogenizes the government's decision to invest in the...
The Government of Romania (GoR) and the World Bank signed a Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement (RAS) on Strengthening the Capacity of the General Secretariat of the Government (GSG) to Accelerate...
The development objective of Second Program for Strengthening Governance for Enabling Service Delivery and Public Investment in Kenya (GESDeK II) Project is to enhance revenue mobilization and deepen accountability...
This document outlines a practical approach to developing an integrated data platform, investment map, and other analytical tools to support a newly proposed interinstitutional public investment coordination...
Dans l’objectif de consolider le processus de sélection des projets (Pilier 2 du PAGIP), cette note vise à proposer une transformation de l’outil TARTIB en application web assurant les fonctionnalités...
Cambodia has become one of the world’s leaders in poverty reduction and shared prosperity. Cambodia sustained an average growth rate of 7.6 percent in 1994-2015, ranking sixth in the world, and has now...
The connections between transport infrastructure and economic development have been extensively analyzed in previous research, but little is known about the cost of infrastructure investments in poor countries...