Bulgaria still ranks among the EU countries with the highest levels of poverty and inequality. Before 2023, Bulgaria's Social Assistance / Monthly Social Allowance scheme had limited coverage, strict eligibility...
A substantial literature studied the capacity of safety nets to expand automatically during labor market shocks; however, less is known about the dynamics of social assistance when labor market conditions...
This report seeks to support the GoTL in its efforts to build an Adaptive Social Protection (ASP) system. It aims at enhancing knowledge and understanding of ASP and assessing the country’s current capacity...
Relatóriu ne’e buka atu suporta GoTL iha nia esforsu atu harii sistema PSA ida. Relatoriu ne’e ninia objetivu hodi hasa’e koñesimentu no kompriensaun kona-ba PSA no avalia kapasidade atual nasaun nian...
This technical note discusses the challenges and opportunities faced by the Ministry of Development, Social Assistance, Family, and Hunger Alleviation (Ministério do Desenvolvimento e Assistência Social...
This technical note discusses the challenges and opportunities faced by the Ministry of Development, Social Assistance, Family, and Hunger Alleviation (Ministério do Desenvolvimento e Assistência Social...
This technical note discusses the challenges and opportunities faced by the Ministry of Development, Social Assistance, Family, and Hunger Alleviation (Ministério do Desenvolvimento e Assistência Social...
This technical note discusses the challenges and opportunities faced by the Ministry of Development, Social Assistance, Family, and Hunger Alleviation (Ministério do Desenvolvimento e Assistência Social...
Between December 2022 and May 2023, the number of social protection and other related measures announced or implemented in response to inflation rose by about 31 percent. The latest tally includes 1,333...
Cash transfer programs are regarded as providing effective protection against poverty and household-specific negative income shocks. Little research has been done on their performance in situations of...
Between September and December 2022, the number of social protection and other related measures announced or implemented in response to inflation rose by about 67%. The latest tally includes 1,016 responses...
While recovering from Coronavirus (COVID-19),Cambodia’s economy is now facing global economic headwinds. The current account improved in the first half of 2022 as the trade deficit narrowed. Rising global...
The report is based on the Inter-Agency Social Protection Assessments (ISPA) Core Diagnostic Instrument (CODI) methodology. This approach was developed by agencies of the United Nations (UN), World Bank...
This brief uses Indonesian household survey data to evaluate the change in targeting errors of a simulated social assistance program through the inclusion of variables of phone credit and internet expenditure...
This report focuses on the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis of Socio-Demographic profile for Simeria Urban area in Romania as of 2021.
Simeria is the second most populated third rank town in Hunedoara County, Romania. The population domiciled in the component towns of the urban agglomeration has constantly dropped in 1992-2020. This region...
This report focuses on the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis of Socio-Demographic profile for Craiova Urban area in Romania as of 2021.
The integrated urban development strategy is one of the main strategic planning instruments available to municipalities, towns, and metropolitan areas, aiming at the optimum and responsible use of the...
This brief focuses on the Social Assistance System Modernization Project, which is making radical changes to the Ukrainian social safety net in order to better serve beneficiaries. In 2006, Ukraine's Government...