In its Business Plan FY25-30, Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) aims to support client countries on three overarching objectives: (i) ensure universal access to affordable, reliable...
Bhutan expects to double its hydropower capacity over the next decade, which is expected to have significant effects on the economy. Estimates using a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model (the business-as-usual...
The Government of Lao PDR has prioritized the expansion of renewable energy generation for domestic consumption and export. While this has great potential to help the country meet its development targets...
The Government of Lao PDR has prioritized the expansion of renewable energy generation for domestic consumption and export. While this has great potential to help the country meet its development targets...
The development objective of Tina River Hydropower Development Project is to increase the share of renewable energy through hydropower in Solomon Islands. Some of the negative impacts include: (i) impacts...
The development objective of Tina River Hydropower Development Project is to increase the share of renewable energy through hydropower in Solomon Islands. Some of the negative impacts include: (i) impacts...
The development objective of Tina River Hydropower Development Project is to increase the share of renewable energy through hydropower in Solomon Islands. Some of the negative impacts include: (i) impacts...
The development objective of Tina River Hydropower Development Project is to increase the share of renewable energy through hydropower in Solomon Islands. Some of the negative impacts include: (i) impacts...
This handbook seeks to raise awareness among utility managers, decision makers, and other stakeholders of the benefits of developing robust O&M strategies for all existing hydropower plants and those under...
Анализ возможных видов разрушения (PFMA) представляет собой процесс систематического определения, описания и оценки возможных путей разрушения плотины и прилегающих к ней конструкций при постулируемых...
The development objective of Tina River Hydropower Development Project is to increase the share of renewable energy through hydropower in Solomon Islands. Some of the negative impacts include: (i) impacts...
The development objective of Tina River Hydropower Development Project is to increase the share of renewable energy through hydropower in Solomon Islands. Some of the negative impacts include: (i) impacts...
The development objective of the First Phase of the Dasu Hydropower Project for Pakistan is to facilitate the expansion of electricity supply of hydro-power in Pakistan. Some of the negative impacts and...
The development objective of the First Phase of the Dasu Hydropower Project for Pakistan is to facilitate the expansion of electricity supply of hydro-power in Pakistan. Some of the negative impacts and...
The development objectives of the Technical Assistance for Financing Framework for Rogun Hydropower Project for Tajikistan are to strengthen Rogun Hydropower Plant (HPP) Project’s financial and commercial...
The development objective of Tina River Hydropower Development Project is to increase the share of renewable energy through hydropower in Solomon Islands. Some of the negative impacts include: (i) impacts...
The development objective of South East Asia Disaster Risk Management Project for Lao People's Democratic Republic is to help reduce the risk of flooding and enhance disaster risk financing capacity within...
This assessment report presents the results of a study focused on the Sioni Reservoir watershed, which is subject to seasonal sediment loads affecting the sustainability of water for hydropower generation...