A critical ingredient for well-functioning schools that promote student learning is the quality of school management—that is, the actions taken by the school management team to administer and coordinate...
Teach Primary (Teach) is a classroom observation tool developed by the World Bank that has been used in over 30 middle income countries across the world. It captures the quality of teaching practices by...
The objective of the Infrastructure for Safer and Resilient Schools Project for the Philippines is to support a resilient recovery of disaster-affected schools in selected regions. The project has four...
The objective of the Education Improvement Project for Lesotho is to improve the quality of teaching and enhance the physical learning conditions in targeted primary and secondary schools. The project...
With nearly 420 million children reached worldwide, school meals are among the largest-scale social protection interventions. This paper traces the evolution of school meals programs globally, examines...
The World Bank developed the EdTech Readiness Index (ETRI) to support countries in monitoring the extent to which technology supports teaching and learning processes within traditional school environments...
The World Bank developed the EdTech Readiness Index (ETRI) to support countries in monitoring the extent to which technology supports teaching and learning processes within traditional school environments...
The World Bank developed the EdTech Readiness Index (ETRI) to support countries in monitoring the extent to which technology supports teaching and learning processes within traditional school environments...
Currently, the Government provides only one year of preprimary education for children who are 5 years old. To measure impact, an impact evaluation has been designed. Preprimary centers will be randomly...
Rejeki nomplok komoditas dan konsumsi swasta telah menopang pertumbuhan Indonesia meskipun lingkungan global yang sulit, tetapi tanda-tanda normalisasi permintaan domestik muncul. Inflasi mereda dengan...
Commodity windfalls and private consumption have sustained Indonesia’s growth despite a difficult global environment, but signs of normalizing domestic demand are emerging. Inflation is easing at a faster...
This report constitutes the final evaluation of the Community Participation in How is My School Doing Project (MPCVME), funded by the Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) and implemented...
Since the beginning of the war, the Ukrainian education system has been heavily reliant on online learning while also working to sustain key education reforms. Digitalization is essential for delivering...
This paper presents evidence of large learning losses in six municipalities located in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico that arose as a consequence of school closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning...
Ratings for the School Sector Development Program Project for Nepal were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial. Some...
Using the expansion of a large-scale health-insurance program in Mexico and variation in local rainfall levels, this study explores whether the program-induced increase in healthcare coverage protected...
Como parte de las acciones realizadas desde el Minedu para la prevención y atención casos de interrupción de estudios en niños, niñas y adolescentes del Sistema Educativo Peruano, se lanzó a fines del...
Este documento presenta el nuevo Modelo de Alimentación Escolar para las Ruralidades (MAER) que surge desde el reconocimiento de la heterogeneidad territorial y poblacional que existe en el país, y es...
Schools are safe when all students, teachers, and staff can thrive in a welcoming environment that supports learning, health and well-being, and positive relationships. Promoting school safety should consider...