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The 2023 World Bank Impact Report covers all IBRD bond issuance and the entire portfolio of IBRD-financed projects in fiscal year 2023.

New this year:

  • New vision and mission: In 2023, the World Bank set a new vision and mission to create a world free of poverty on a livable planet highlighting the importance of addressing climate change and other global challenges as we partner with countries to overcome poverty. The report provides an update on how the World Bank is transforming to help member countries face these challenges. 
  • Mapping to social bond project categories: This year we mapped the Sustainable Development Bond project portfolio to social bond project categories in addition to World Bank sectors in the presentation of portfolio-level commitments and disbursements and in project-level reporting using an automated process that will evolve over time.
  • Bonds issued in FY23: As a resource for investors and other market stakeholders, the report now includes a list of all IBRD bonds issued in FY23.