Parenting interventions have the potential to improve early childhood development. Text messages are considered a promising channel to deliver parenting information at large scale. This paper tests whether...
In recent years, there has been renewed attention on policies to enhance the income generating capacity and productivity of the poor (World Bank, 2012). Since both skills and capital can limit productive...
Interventions targeting early childhood hold promise for reducing the intergenerational transmission of poverty. Results from a randomized evaluation of a preschool construction program in Cambodia suggest...
Severe weather conditions can undo even the best efforts of families to break free of poverty. Households that rely on subsistence or small-scale farming are especially at the mercy of severe weather...
Standard skills indicators leave an information gap on workforce skill characteristics, job skill requirements, and quality of worker-job matches that prevents policymakers from making informed and timely...
There is a resurgent interest in agricultural input subsidies as instruments to increase adoption of yield increasing technologies in developing countries. But what is the impact of such technologies on...
Measures of cognitive, noncognitive, and technical skills are increasingly used in development economics to analyze the determinants of skill formation, the role of skills in economic decisions, or simply...
Sustainability of short-term interventions may depend on whether they manage to change families’ attitudes towards the future and related social norms. This investigation shows that role female models...
Research from the United States shows that gaps in early cognitive and noncognitive abilities appear early in the life cycle. Little is known about this important question for developing countries. This...
This bulletin showcases a World Bank supported study in Cambodia, where researchers set out to study the effects of scholarships on encouraging primary school students to continue their studies in lower...
This bulletin showcases a World Bank supported study in Cambodia, where researchers set out to study the effects of scholarships on encouraging primary school students to continue their studies in lower...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Changing households' investment and aspirations through social interactions : evidence from a randomized transfer program...
This brief summarizes the demand versus returns? Pro-poor targeting of business grants and vocational skills training in Nicaragua for 2005-2006. Interventions aimed at increasing the income generating...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Cash transfers, behavioral changes, and cognitive development in early childhood : evidence from a randomized experiment...
Scaling up early childhood development services has the potential to increase children's cognitive and socio-emotional development and promote school readiness in a large segment of the population. This...
Interventions aimed at increasing the income generating capacity of the poor, such as vocational training, micro-finance or business grants, are widespread in the developing world. How to target such interventions...
Severe weather conditions can undo even the best efforts of families to break free of poverty. Households that rely on subsistence or small-scale farming are especially at the mercy of severe weather...
While climate change is likely to increase weather risks in many developing countries, there is little evidence on effective policies to facilitate adaptation. This paper presents experimental evidence...
Cash transfer programs have become extremely popular in the developing world. A large literature analyzes their effects on schooling, health and nutrition, but relatively little is known about possible...
Low aspirations can limit households’ investments and contribute to sustained poverty. Vice versa, increased aspirations can lead to investment and upward mobility. Yet how aspirations are formed is not...