Ratings for the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development Operation Program-for-Results (PforR) Project for Sri Lanka were as follows: outcome was highly satisfactory, Bank performance was...
Founded in 1982 as a family-owned enterprise, the higher education consortium Santo Tomás is a unique combination: it includes a multi-campus Universidad (University), one Instituto Profesional (Professional...
The objectives of the National University Development Project for Vietnam are: to improve the relevance and quality of the graduates and research products of Vietnam National University-Hanoi, Vietnam...
The development objective of the Accelerating the Transformation of Higher Education (HE) and Scientific Research Operation for Morocco is to improve labor market relevance of priority programs at public...
Vietnam is building its own University of the Future, with unique missions, purposes and features, and functions, which will be one of the driving forces of the national socio-economic development. Today...
This note describes results from a simulation exercise to forecast the supply and demand of workers with higher education during 2023-2030 with a vision to 2045. The higher education gross enrolment ratio...
Higher education systems in South Asia have undergone significant changes in the past two decades. Each country in the region has experienced a rapid rise in university enrollment, fueled by demographic...
The diagnostic and analysis presented in this report unveils a complex and challenging picture of Polish R&D capacity and its technological preparedness to engage and deliver green-innovation solutions...
These remarks were delivered by World Bank Group President David Malpass at an event for the Africa Higher Education Centers of Excellence : A Pathway Towards Sustainable Development on October 17, 2022...
Tanzania achieved lower middle-income country status in 2020, marking an important milestone in the country’s goal to reach middle income status by 2025. Enrollment in higher education reached approximately...
An online survey of 30 Tanzanian universities was conducted in May 2021, targeting personnel in charge of ICT use in higher education institutions of Tanzania. The survey focused on six thematic areas...
The Egypt Public Expenditure Review (PER) for Human Development Sectors aims at informing the Government of Egypt’s (GOE) efforts to pursue its commitment to enhancing socioeconomic outcomes through more...
تهدف مراجعة الإنفاق العام في مصر لقطاعات التنمية البشرية إلى دعم جهود الحكومة المصرية لمواصلة التزامها بتعزيز النتائج الاجتماعية والاقتصادية من خلال زيادة وتحسين الإنفاق على رأس المال البشري. لتحقيق هذا...
This report provides an overview of the training collaboration project between The University of the West Indies Open Campus (UWIOC), the World Bank and its partners to facilitate learning in Disaster...
The World Bank-financed Higher Education Quality Enhancement Program (HEQEP), implemented by the University Grants Commission and the Ministry of Education and the World Bank through Better Stories organized...