Various challenges are thought to render female-headed households (FHHs) vulnerable to poverty in the Arab region. Yet, previous studies have had mixed results and the absence of household panel survey...
Many low, and middle-income countries have introduced public works programs (PWPs) to fight poverty. This paper provides the first evidence that children from families who benefit from PWPs show increased...
Inequalities in learning opportunities arise from both household, and school-related factors. Although these factors are unlikely to be independent, few studies have considered the extent to which sorting...
Many studies have demonstrated that Mexico's conditional cash transfer program, PROSPERA, has substantial effects on educational attainment. Nevertheless, little evidence exists on whether increases in...
Inequalities in the opportunity to obtain a good education in low-income countries are widely understood to be related to household resources and schooling quality. Yet, to date, most researchers have...
Definitions of catch-up growth in anthropometric outcomes among young children vary across studies. This paper distinguishes between catch-up in the mean of a group toward that of a healthy reference population...
The adoption of the 2004 national early childhood care and development (ECCD) policy highlighted access to quality kindergarten (KG) education as central to improving early childhood development and learning...
The quality preschool for Ghana (QP4G) study seeks to evaluate the impact of an in-service teacher training and parental awareness training in preschools on teachers, classrooms, and children in Ghana...
Most impact evaluations of Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) and Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCTs) focus on the returns to increased human capital investments that will be reaped largely or exclusively...
Different approaches have been used to estimate the economic benefits of reducing undernutrition and to estimate the costs of investing in such programs on a global scale. While many of these studies are...
The proportion of youth that is not in work or in school or ninis1 in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) remains high. The latest estimates show that about 19 per cent of 15-24 years olds in the region...
Research from the United States shows that gaps in early cognitive and noncognitive abilities appear early in the life cycle. Little is known about this important question for developing countries. This...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Early childhood development through an integrated program : evidence from the Philippines, conducted in 1999 in Philippines...
This brief summarizes the results of a gender impact evaluation study, entitled Evaluating preschool programs when length of exposure to the program varies a nonparametric approach, conducted between the...
This book addresses the question of how to build and upgrade job relevant skills. Specifically, the authors focus on three types of training programs relevant for individuals who are leaving formal general...
Rural poverty: old challenges in new context by Stefan, Dercon; evaluation in the practice of development by Martin, Ravallion; timing and duration of exposure in evaluations of social programs by Elizabeth...
Impact evaluations aim to measure the outcomes that can be attributed to a specific policy or intervention. While there have been excellent reviews of the different methods for estimating impact, insufficient...
Impact evaluations aim to measure the outcomes that can be attributed to a specific policy or intervention. Although there have been excellent reviews of the different methods that an evaluator can choose...
This paper first summarizes recent research in developing countries that is surveyed in prominent Lancet articles and that reports, albeit based on relatively few systematic studies, substantial associations...
The ages of first union and of first parenting are of considerable interest, not only because of their implications for individual welfare and well-being over the life cycle, but also because they are...