In this brief the authors combine granular climate data on flooding, drought and extreme heat, and district level food insecurity data and conflict data, to produce district level estimates of the number...
This note provides guidance for policymakers, World Bank country teams, and development practitioners to enhance the quality, affordability, and sustainability of home-based childcare (HBC) services in...
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) is disrupting the landscape of higher education (HE), presenting both opportunities and challenges. This paper discusses the results of focus group...
Expanding women’s employment in the private sector is imperative to increase female labor force participation in Mashreq countries. This knowledge brief identifies lessons learned from the IFC-led business...
Amidst global COVID-19 school closures, student outcomes varied worldwide, but usually declined. Egypt notably defied this trend, showing significant improvement in reading scores. Utilizing data from...
The Africa Climate Resilience Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) is a partnership between the Africa Union, African Development Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and the World...
By incorporating an understanding of behavioral science into economic inclusion programming, governments and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) seeking to bring millions out of poverty with limited resources...
Malnutrition is one of Pakistan’s biggest development challenges, with long-term implications for human capital development and economic growth. The proportions of young children stunted (40 percent)...
A smart urban development strategy should include the structural transformation of well-located vacant, abandoned, or disused buildings and areas. This is in contrast to new development in green field...
The Global Tax Program Health Taxes Knowledge Note Series focuses on topics linked to implementation of health taxes, or excise taxes on tobacco, alcoholic drinks and sugar-sweetened beverages. The purpose...
Thailand is widely considered progressive among developing and middle-income countries regarding the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex (LGBTI+) people. Thailand has made progress...
The June 2022 release of learning poverty estimates includes assessment scores from ERCE 2019 by El Latinoamericano de Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación (LLECE). Results were reportedfor 16 participating...
The Metaverse, widely regarded as a successor to today’s internet, is a concept embodying a unified digital world that is tightly connected to the physical world. In the Metaverse, people can interact...
The war in Ukraine is causing an enormous humanitarian crisis. More than 12 million people are estimated to have been displaced and more than 13 million need urgent humanitarian assistance. Ukraine’s economy...
A blue public expenditure review can be a valuable tool for countries on their journey to a blue economy, to help drive blue sectors toward better environmental practices and management and support long-term...
Industria construcțiilor din Tirana a trecut prin cinci ani în plină expansiune, imobiliarele rezidențiale fiind forța motrice din spatele creșterii. Din fericire pentru finanțele municipale, boom-ul construcțiilor...
Imports are becoming more important than ever in world trade in the face of rapid globalization and the spread of global supply chains. One way to boost imports is through efficient regulations and practices...
Digital connectivity has been a critical mitigating factor for the adverse effects of lockdowns implemented in response to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic on household welfare in Latin America and...
The COVID-19 pandemic created an urgent need for timely information to help monitor and mitigate the socio-economic impact of the crisis. This information is essential to inform policy measures for protecting...
This third edition of the Zimbabwe Economic Update (ZEU) aims to provide both a current and historical background covering the pre-pandemic (2019) and pandemic (2020 to April 2021) period. The 2019-2020...