The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) is disrupting the landscape of higher education (HE), presenting both opportunities and challenges. This paper discusses the results of focus group...
Imports are becoming more important than ever in world trade in the face of rapid globalization and the spread of global supply chains. One way to boost imports is through efficient regulations and practices...
This brief has been produced under the World Bank’s Indonesia Covid-19 Observatory, a partnership among multiple Global Practices at the Bank that aims to generate near-real-time insights on the impact...
Utilization of key maternal and child health and nutrition services remains weak in Nagaland, suggesting an adverse impact on health and nutrition outcomes. The state needs to make concerted efforts for...
Quantifying the direction and magnitude of spillovers for small holders is an essential part of the policy dialogue surrounding large-scale agricultural investment. We use intertemporal variation in smallholders’...
This case study analyzes the development of one-stop shops in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, from inception of the first one in Ho Chi Minh City in 1995 through the full roll out of this model of integrated...
In light of growing concern related to climate change, local entrepreneurs are critically needed to develop businesses supporting climate mitigation and adaptation efforts in developing countries. In contrast...
One of the most important lessons in economics is that productivity is key to economic growth. Productivity is defined in economic theory as the ratio of output over input. Productivity is mainly driven...
This brief explains about What is the role that connections can play in helping green technology entrepreneurs innovate and scale up in developing countries, so as to inform the design of new public sector...
In Central Asia, water and energy systems are interdependent. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan each benefit from the water resources of the Syr Darya and Amu Darya...
Tertiary education in Albania is at a critical juncture. The system has evolved since 1946 when the first higher education institute for teacher training was established. Albania now has 13 public tertiary...
Youth account for approximately 60 percent of the unemployed population in Sub-Saharan Africa. Seventy two percent of adolescents in the region live below the $2/day poverty line. Vocational education...
The Drought in the Horn of Africa includes the following headings: latest situation; country by country situation in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda; and Africa region's support to the horn...
This policy brief highlights the significant progress made on the millennium development goals (MDG) for gender equality and education. Focus is now on systematic measures to increase access to improved...
This policy brief highlights the significant progress made on the millennium development goals (MDG) for gender equality and education. Focus is now on systematic measures to increase access to improved...
Good governance is an underlying condition for the formulation of effective and efficient public policies, programs, and services. It implies a social contract and adherence to rules and laws that enable...
China has 55 official minority groups. Together, they constitute over 8 percent of the population, according to the 2000 census. The term 'minority' is not synonymous with the term 'indigenous': in China...
The Global Environment Facility (GEF), carbon finance, and the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) constitute the bulk of dedicated funding for low-carbon development. To achieve the largest possible impact, practitioners...
This policy brief examines several issues surrounding teacher certification, one of the screening mechanisms often used to determine a certain standard of teacher knowledge and proficiency. The focus is...
This note describes broad regional and country specific trends in remittance flows worldwide, and highlights some structural changes that will affect remittance flows in the future. The main messages are:...